Magical advice.

Amulet. The main purpose of lighting candles is to make a pancake of wax, in which inside there are all the magical ingredients that you put beforehand. When the pancake hardens, easily hit the bottom of the dish with the palm of your hand so that it turned out to be in your hands. This is your good luck charm. Keep it in the house, but close to yourself. Do not forget that you have it. Read more...


Our biofield, first of all, as a spacesuit, protects us from negative influences of other people and nature. If a person has a cursed biofield or no biofield at all, then all kinds of diseases, troubles, failures, accidents are attached to him. The cleaner and more even the biofield is, the better a person lives in every sense. If the biofield is even and clean, there is always enough energy for everything, the body is always in good order, health is good and strong, things are always going, such a biofield attracts attention to the person and everything is in order in personal life. Read more...

Magic wedding loaf.

It is known magical belief that if a daughter or a son is sitting up and want them to finally arrange their personal family life should steal at least a little wedding loaf and feed your child grief-stricken. Thus, energetically charged loaf energizes them for a personal family life. Yes, of course, such a married couple with a stolen symbol of family happiness in a year will strongly ruin, and perhaps divorce, but their own shirt closer to the body as they say. Read more...

Attracting small luck in the house and in your life.

This ritual removes, removes a certain amount of evil eye from gossip, evil eye from the back, suspension in business, minor illnesses, minor quarrels. Read more...

Removing the birth curse through the grave.

When a person dies, his troubles and most of the curse that he did not remove from himself but only gained during his life, go to the grave. At wrong burial, carrying out on this grave of magic rituals, remembrance by alcohol, strong poorness of the person, the evil of negativity begins to “get out” from a grave and to influence on living, hanging curse on a sort. Read more...

Lyapko applicator.

...cleans energy channels, removes energy lesions and negativities from the place where you apply the applicator - the result is obvious, there is an improvement in the flow of energy in the internal organs and thus you strengthen your energetic and physical health. Read more...


About 70% of all human diseases are caused by curse, evil eye, blockages of energy channels. And it means that I can get rid of so many problems by working only energetically, i.e. with his so-called “etheric” body. Read more...

Witchcraft and its influence.

Let's understand in the beginning, what it is a spell. Charm is a magical (conspiracy, ritual) influence on the will and desires of the object of your love in order to commit, turn to you a loved one. That the object of your love wanted you, thought about you, ran to you and could not live without you. Read more...

A spell on twisted candles.

Here I want to tell you about the White Magic spell - a spell on twisted candles. This spell belongs to ritual and changeable, i.e. you can put a small plot in it, put an icon opposite the candles, do the ritual on the growing moon, etc. This spell can be improved, changed, add some elements that strengthen its influence and impact. The meaning of this spell is to artificially connect one person to another and to establish energy exchange in order to restore communication, contact, to bring to the conversation, to remind, to make you think about yourself, to miss yourself. In many cases, this is what is needed to restore family and relationships. Read more about a spell on twisted candles...

Curse external and internal.

Many people think that the evil eye and curse are just prejudice, but this is not true. curse and cursed structures such as tails, negative programs, bad luck machines, walls, bad luck streaks, funeral candles that stand next to a living person, etc., are part of our lives. - are part of our lives. Those people who can either deal with curse themselves or use the help of a healer - live a full life, they have a family, children, well-being, health. Read more...

Curse and evil eye.

Curse is a clot of negative energy, it looks like a ball of dirty, black, brown color. The most dangerous is ash-colored curse (“death spoil”). The place of fixing the curse can be almost anywhere - the head (“spoil for madness”, “spoil for heavy thoughts”, etc.), hands, legs, stomach, back (very often), genitals (“spoil for impotence”). Read more...

Candles in the church.

Candle in the church is of great importance for you and your loved ones. Candle can help, and you can start the process of destruction. Perhaps someone will say that God will not allow bad things to happen in the church. Well, let them hope... Read more...

Alcohol - harm or benefit?

Recently I read in a popular magazine a whole article about the literal indispensability of the daily use of alcohol. Wine, beer improve blood composition, strengthen the walls of blood vessels, a bunch of useful trace elements well, etc. So the editors of this magazine found a complete substitute for yoga, fitness, exercise, recreation in nature. What happens in the present in the energy of New York on holy holidays and on ordinary holidays. On holy holidays, instead of strengthening the pure energy, waves of prayers, there are wave after wave of mud and dirt, alcoholic discharges - spoils through vodka, scraps of someone's biofields, curse and evil eye. Where does it come from? Read more...

Energy of clothes. How to make your clothes a strong amulet.

When washing clothes only of course manually, you can sing, chant, read prayers, then your clothes will be saturated with song, your words, vibrations and prayers. Many people, of course, do not have time to wash by hand - it is long and hard, everyone now has washing machines at home, which mechanically spin clothes, mechanically wring them and then we “mechanically” live in a “mechanical” world. Read more...