Wedding loaf - omens and its magical properties.
Everyone knows that at a wedding, the young are greeted with a wedding loaf. “Wedding” - so called in the old days wedding loaf. Traditionally, the wedding loaf was baked by craftswomen with the godmother of one of the newlyweds. Masters were chosen among women with a happy family life. Their number should be odd. The recipe of the loaf was kept and passed from generation to generation. When baking bread, the baker charged it with his prosperous life energy, put his soul into it.
Many traditions and meanings are connected with it. The wedding loaf itself has the shape of a circle symbolizing eternity, eternal, long love and happiness. Intertwined hearts, wedding rings, birds, flowers, spikelets, berries and other symbols are baked on the loaf for love, prosperity, fertility, wealth of the future family. Berries represent - strong and strong love, spikelets - on the welfare and prosperity of the young family, woven hearts, rings and birds - loyalty and devotion of the newlyweds to each other, flowers - purity of the bride. Dividing the wedding loaf into parts is a sign of loss of virginity.
The loaf is served on a beautifully embroidered rushnik with symbols of protection and protection, embroidery is best red threads with a continuous closing in a circle pattern - additional protection. On the rushnik and on the loaf should not be crosses - symbols of hard life, failure, etc. “The cross on your life”, ‘you carry your cross’, ‘heavy your cross’ - in Russia the cross is always a symbol of suffering, torment and hard lot was, a disabled child - your cross, drunkard husband - your cross, poverty - your cross. No Christian crosses neither on the loaf nor on the rushniki!
The groom's parents welcomed the young couple with bread and salt. After the parents' blessing, the husband and wife broke off a piece of loaf, dipped it in salt and fed each other. The groom took the bride in his arms and carried her into the house. The wedding loaf was to be eaten by the newlyweds themselves so that there was peace and love in the family. Bread from ancient times symbolizes wealth and prosperity, and salt as protection from hostile spirits.
At weddings, you can often see how uneducated and ignorant toastmaster offers all the guests to break the wedding loaf and eat it - this is in no way allowed! The wedding loaf is a symbol of happiness, prosperity, fertility, the future of the young family should be eaten by the guests, what kind of stupidity is this? Only the husband can and has every right to break the loaf - this is first. Guests break and tear the loaf - it is to gulazhu in the family, quarrels, loss of wealth. Secondly, it is known magical belief that if the daughter or son of zasidelisi and want them to finally arrange their personal family life need to steal at least a little wedding loaf and feed your child woeful. Thus, energetically charged loaf energizes the personal family life. Yes, of course, such a married couple with a stolen symbol of family happiness in a year a lot of ruin, and possibly divorce, but their shirt closer to the body as they say.
If you want to help your girlfriends to get married, you can give them in their hands only the decoration of the loaf!