Attracting a little luck into the home and into your life.

At personal sessions I tell many people about the useful ritual of feeding birds. Feed for birds, sold in the markets in buckets of 4-5$ per bucket, you can also not fried sunflower seeds. The main conditions of this ritual;

1) Feed only by hand, just from the bag to pour out will not go.
2) After the hand scattered feed immediately turn around and move away for 5-7 steps without looking back. Only then you can look back to see what is going on. If the birds have flown down and are pecking the feed, it is good. If they sit, look and do not even want to fly up, it is bad.
3) After the ritual of feeding the birds, you should immediately go where you want to bring good luck. If in the house then go home, if at work then go to work, in the stores to look along the way is undesirable.

This ritual removes, removes a certain amount of evil eye from gossip, evil eye from the back, suspension in business, minor illnesses, minor quarrels.
To improve wealth and prosperity while feeding the birds, you can recite the incantation;

“Every bird sings, every bird feeds its chicks, one cuckoo is a thin mother to her cuckoos, I will not throw bread to the cuckoo. Little birds, here's a treat for you, take it to the little children. As I feed you, treat you, so I, (name), would have all the prosperity and good things to fall and fall”.

The rules are the same.