Energy of clothes. An amulet for clothes.
Now many people know about the energy of clothes, that each thing has its own energy, which it accumulates from the owner and radiates it into the surrounding space. That is why it is not advised to buy clothes in Sekon-hands, because it already has an information impression from the previous owner, this impression-information can be good, and may carry information about diseases, illnesses and failures.
Of course, it is better to buy new and favorable clothes. There are many variants of choosing clothes by energy.
Well, you have already bought new clothes and wear them. What else can you do to make your clothes surround you with good aura, protection and favorable vibrations, creating the relationships, connections and even events you need! In the past, Russian women had a very interesting ritual, which few people paid attention to - it was washing laundry with songs, songs were different, who wants - about that and sing or say. Recently I came across the effect of such a rite, but the songs were not Russian, but Portuguese. From the owners of such “sung” clothes there was a very powerful charge of health, energy and auspiciousness.
When washing clothes only manually, of course, you can sing, chant, read prayers, then your clothes will be saturated with the song, your words, vibrations and prayers. Many people, of course, do not have time to wash by hand - it is long and hard, everybody has washing machines at home now, which mechanically spin clothes, mechanically wring them and then we “mechanically” live in a “mechanical” world. What radiates from clothes washed in a washing machine is almost nothing but machine-mechanical energy and as a result we complain about boring life, no love, home - work - home, etc. Washing in a machine is convenient, no one disputes, but what can you do to make it convenient and make your clothes an amulet, protection, attract love, success, improve family relations, etc.? Everything is very simple, the machine has washed your clothes, washed away the dirt, take the washed linen in your hands and wash it for 2-3 minutes in simple clean water. Knead, rub the laundry as if washing and sing, read prayers. Washed with prayers, wring out and hang to dry. Your personal amulet that you will always wear on yourself is ready!
Also a variant of improving the energy of your clothes - to pour in the compartment for washing powder live, holy water (of course, I mean not church). Water taken at a real live spring source, preferably with live requests for health and happiness. Water can be spoken for protection, happiness, for personal life, for beauty, from curse, from the evil eye.
On clothes you can read prayers and songs for health, love, luck, prosperity, but do not sing about unhappy love, separation, misfortune and poverty, or you will get what you sang about.
At each washing it is necessary to repeat everything, preferably the same prayers, incantations or songs
It is useless to wash clothes with bad and negative inscriptions and drawings, it will still carry a negative charge of energy in your life. Also naturally try not to wear shirts and clothes with incomprehensible inscriptions and unfavorable drawings, such clothes you energetically destroys and defiles your biofield.
Author of the article - Y. Akelin