Candles in the church.
Candles in church and at home in front of icons are of great importance. When we light a candle in church in front of an icon, we all hope for something. We hope that God or some saint will notice us and help us in our problems. But what really happens? Often coming to the church to light a candle for health, grandmothers working in the church tell you not to light candles because the service is over and candles are not lit now. As a result, many people just put a candle somewhere and leave in the false hope that someone will light this candle later at the service. Even if your candle is lit and placed in front of an icon, they will not remember you in front of the saint and your name will not be spoken, and your wish even more so.
to put candles in church. On the day when you go to church you can put candles either only for health or only for repose. Look in the church calendar, there are special days of commemoration of the deceased, on these days and put candles for the repose of the dead. For health put candles in front of the icon, be sure to light them. Blessed Simeon of Solun (XV century) explains the meaning of the candle: clean wax means purity and not filthiness of people who bring it; softness and pliability of wax show our readiness to obey God, and the burning of the candle - symbolizes the deification of man, his transformation and purification by the fire of Divine love. Thus, the burning candle indicates our communion with God; it expresses the flame of our love for God, for the Blessed Virgin Mary, the Angels, or the saints - those whose sacred images we venerate by candlelight. “The burning candle is a symbol of our fervent love for God” - the words of the Great Wonderworker and prayer leader of the Russian land, the Venerable Seraphim of Sarov. If you are told not to light a candle for one reason or another, be sure to remember these words. When you light a candle in front of an icon, you as if light a beacon for the saints and try to draw their attention to yourself. The candle is lit do not hurry to leave, stand in front of the icon, think about what you want and desire. Be sure to address the saint in your own words, as if he was in front of you in reality, talk to him, tell him your problem and what torments you. Not necessarily aloud, you can whisper, and even mentally. If you are categorically forbidden to light a candle, and therefore to show your love to God, then return the money back to the church shop for the candle.
Often I have to remove curse “for the repose of the dead” made through the church. Where can it come from? Imagine that you came to the church, bought a candle, put it in front of the icon, said your name and asked for something of your own. After some time your wish not only did not come true, but also became worse, there was weakness, lethargy, depression. How did this happen? Your candle with your name pronounced was sold in the church shop again. The person who bought your candle did not think for a long time and put it for the repose of his deceased relative. So it turned out that the candle with your name was put to rest. In order that you are not put to rest by mistake, light your own candles, then it will not be sold as a new one. If you go to church, pray, read spiritual books, do everything right, but your condition is not better, but even worse, then you need to turn to a white magician.