Inner Bioenergy.

We all receive bioenergy from the external environment, process it and partially assimilate it. Some of the energy we produce with our own internal resources. Otherwise we could not exist. But besides the task “to exist” some people set other tasks, for example, “to be healthy”, “to be happy”, to discover new opportunities, to earn a lot of money, to have a family and children and so on. All of these things require energy. A lot of energy.

First, energy is our defense against disease. Why in the Middle Ages, during the worst epidemics that killed millions of people, why did some people got sick and others did not? They did not know about any vaccinations in those times... Just different people had different energy “shield” protecting them from diseases.

Secondly, energy is our defense against any other external influences. The denser the biofield around a person, the harder it is for vampires, sorcerers, curses, jinxes and other evil things to get to him.

Thirdly, our feelings of joy, happiness, strength, self-confidence or, on the contrary, boredom, irritability, apathy, laziness, depression are connected with energy. Energetic people, as a rule, are successful in life, they achieve what they want, as they are able to put a lot of energy into their desire. People who have little energy, spend it all to maintain an existence, as a rule, boring and sluggish. They are irritated by the need for any effort, they are exhausted by any communication, any surprises, they prefer to dream of an interesting and successful life than to create it and live it. People with energy deficiency and lack of biofield are always losers.

When diagnosing the level of energy I look with the help of biolocation frame, if the energy level is lower than the growth of a person, then clearly lack of energy, there are channels of leakage, there are lesions (curses, jinxes, conspiracies). If the energy level is equal to the height of a person, then the energy is enough with some tension, it may be lacking in stressful situations, with the failure of the day, with flights, with non-standard situations. If the energy level is higher than a person's height, it means that there are energy reserves, perhaps there is an external bioenergetic feeding, there are no energy leaks. That is why I start all my sessions with energy cleansing. If a person's energy channels are cleaned and nothing interferes with the free flow of energy, he is healthy and well.

About 70% of all human diseases are caused by curse, evil eye, blockages of energy channels. And it means that I can get rid of such number of problems by working only energetically, i.e. with his so-called “etheric” and “astral” bodies. And you will feel it right after the first session - you will become healthier and calmer.