
The human biofield is a set of subtle fields and energies surrounding a person. It performs many important functions and has various properties that are necessary in everyday and spiritual life. First of all, our biofield serves as a kind of protective “spacesuit”, which protects us from negative influences of other people and the environment. If the biofield is cursed or absent, a person becomes more vulnerable to various diseases, misfortunes and failures. The cleaner and more even the biofield is, the better a person feels in all spheres of life. In the presence of a healthy and harmonious biofield a person always has enough energy, the body is in optimal condition, health is strong and good, and things are going well. In addition, such a biofield attracts attention and promotes well-being in personal life.

Deformation (curse) of the human biofield indicates disturbances in the energy of the body, which can be caused by both internal and external factors. Internal causes include improper nutrition, unhealthy lifestyle and even negative thoughts of the person himself. External factors can be related to the negative influence of other people, the state of energy in the environment and the influence of geopathogenic zones.

There are a number of diseases, the treatment of which requires correction of the field. However, doctors, not knowing the peculiarities of the patient's field, try to help him by prescribing medicines. But these methods are ineffective in such diseases. Methods of biofield correction are well suited for treating symptomatic diseases such as chronic fatigue, frequent illnesses, lethargy, loss of motivation, poor appetite, apathy and loss of strength.

The human biofield is a kind of protective cocoon that shields us from the negative influence of others. By the end of the day, our biofield can be severely deformed, which leads to fatigue and loss of energy. To restore energy, it is important to take a shower. During water procedures, you can light a candle in the bathtub. This will help to remove other people's energy fields and restore your strength. But where does the negative energy, which we wash off from ourselves during the shower, disappear to? It does not go down the drain through a small hole in the drain. The negativity that is washed off of us travels through the tub and builds up on us again. The burning candle in the tub burns off this negativity separated from our biofield. Don't forget to put out the candle when you leave the bath.

The biofield plays an important role in our daily lives. The stronger a person's biofield, the more personal space they have in which to store their thoughts and desires. When the biofield is active, our thoughts and desires radiate outward and become available to others. However, if the biofield is disturbed or cursed, we cannot share our thoughts with the world. People around us may not notice or hear us because our thoughts and desires are not radiating outward.

I am often approached by people who face similar problems: “My children don't listen to me,” ‘My husband doesn't notice me,’ ‘I have no friends,’ and so on. At the heart of these problems is the weakening of the biofield or its complete absence. The cause of such a state can be the evil eye, curse or other negative influences.

In order to strengthen your biofield, you should first contact a real White Magician to remove the evil eye and curse. After that you can start practicing on your own to strengthen your biofield and energy. The following actions can help you:

* daily consumption of honey and jam (these products are associated with the sun) by a teaspoon;
* reading prayers aloud;
* lighting a candle once a week while bathing;
* moderate sunbed use;
* static exercises, etc.