Curse and evil eye are a household reality!

Curse and evil eye are evil in our life.

What do the terms “curse” and “evil eye” mean? Although they are close in their essence, they are not the same.

The evil eye brings its victim a variety of life failures, curse harms health, life, well-being, personal and family life, money, work, business. Sources of evil eye - strong emotions, envy, anger, aggression... The evil eye can be imposed and complete strangers, jealous of your youth, beauty and health.

Curse is a clot of negative energy. It looks like a ball, oval, blot and sometimes even as a person of black or dirty brown color. The bigger, larger and more saturated with color such a ball is, the stronger and more dangerous is the curse. The most dangerous is ash-colored curse (“death curse”). The place of curse attachment can be anything - head (“madness curse”, “heavy thoughts curse”, etc.), hands, legs, stomach, back (very often), genitals (“impotence curse”). Any negative influence has its own purpose - like a laser beam in the military, which helps to point a missile or bomb at a target. When this beam is directed at a person, it performs a similar function - it attracts misfortunes, diseases and troubles to him. I can identify the negative influence on a person. Knowing where it is directed, I can tell what troubles and illnesses will haunt that person.

Who can be a carrier of negative energy, and therefore, to inflict curse and evil eye? Virtually any person. There are categories of people who have the most pronounced signs of the evil eye. This is, for example, ash-colored eyes, ash-colored hair or facial asymmetry (the left eye is larger than the right. There are also internal signs of the ability to bring curse and evil eye, such as egoism, aggressiveness, tendency to alcoholism and drug addiction. Such people can bring the evil eye, curse very strong in its impact. A person may have the ability to witchcraft, and therefore to cast the evil eye, if he has any emotional deviations. For example, the inability to cry, laugh, emotional coldness (or, conversely, impulsiveness), a tendency to loneliness, misanthropy. Can bring the evil eye and a person with strange behavior, for example, if he has a habit of mumbling something under his nose, talking to himself, endlessly accuse others of their problems, swear out loud....

But all of the above signs only indicate that this person can potentially bring curse, but are not proof. However, if several people from the same circle of communication have signs of curse, a person with an “evil eye” should be looked for somewhere nearby.

Often the ability to inflict curse develops with age. In the olden days, the evil eye and curse inflicted by an old sorcerer or an old witch were considered especially dangerous.

Another thing, when the curse is brought intentionally. In this case, knowledge of black magic plays into the hands of evil desires of a person who is able to use charms to bring curse and evil eye, thus achieving their selfish goals. Here for protection and rescue from black magic necessarily need the intervention of a White magician who is able to remove the evil eye, curse, negative programs, and put protection.

I divide all negative magical influences into the following groups:

1. Curse. There are the following types of curse:

a) Beast. This curse looks like a gray lump releasing stabbing and tearing “spikes”. A large curse has a diameter of more than 1.5 meters. This curse can do heart attack, blood vessel clots breaking off, and other things;

b) Death. This curse looks like a gray lump with “tentacles”. In a large curse, the diameter of the lump is more than 1.9 meters. This curse can do “cancer”, spinal hernias and other;

c) Evil. This curse looks like a black lump with a thick “tentacle-paw”. In a large curse the lump is more than 2.5 meters in diameter. This curse can do stroke and other things;

d) Trouble. This curse looks like a black “container” with “manipulators” 90 - 150 cm long. In a large curse the size of the “container” is more than 5.5 meters. This curse can make Parkinson's and Alzheimer's disease.

Curse is made by creating a negative charge on an object, food or something liquid, loose. For example, curse can be made on underpants, on perfume, on an alcoholic drink in a bottle, on salt in a salt shaker, on “dead water” (washed the deceased), on the grave soil in front of the threshold of housing, office and the like. Often curse is made on a gift, if it is known that he will like it very much to the person - the victim. That is, curse is the transfer of negativity through something that is either inside a person, or on him, or in the dwelling or in front of the front door of the dwelling. But there is a curse “touch”, it is put by black magicians through an evil poke of a person with a fist, knee or elbow.

Curse has a customer, an intermediary-messenger and a performer. But sometimes all three act in one person: a black magician or a witch. To remove curse it is important to determine or see the customer and executor of curse by clairvoyance. Often the customer of curse is an acquaintance of the sick person.

2. The evil eye. It includes:

a). The evil eye;

b). Charms;

c). Hypnosis;

d). Psy-coding;

e). Psi-programming.

Evil eyes are face-to-face and absentee - by the phantom of the victim. Phantom evil eye is done by the flying spirit of a magician or witch. The magician or witch sees in front of the phantom of the victim and flies spiritually to him. Then, with the eyes of his flying spirit looks into the eyes of the phantom of the victim and sentences him to a bad fate or bad events.

Also, evil eyes are like this:

- evil eyes - lessons - with the intention to teach a lesson;

- evil eyes “funeral” - with the intention to quickly die and bury.

In evil eyes there are: orders, sentences, forecasts and orders. Evil eyes have a demon, which does not let to useful action or pushes to harmful. Often this demon of the evil eye is masked by the field of death, is in it. The demon of the evil eye is covered with “shields” or is in a “box”. Demon evil eye has an energy loop, it is connected to one eye of a person who jinxed. To remove the evil eye you need to tear this energy plume from the eye of the person who was jinxed.

More evil eyes are intentional and unintentional, artificial and natural.

3. Curse. It includes:

a). Overlay. This is a psi-program of withdrawal of benefits from the person-victim to the customer and establishment in the person-victim of woes of the customer. A negative energy-exchange is made to the person-victim and a positive energy-exchange to the customer. Naklad often do customers who want to urgently, successfully and happily marry through the destruction of the female share of several rivals, seeking also to marry;

b). Pledging. This is the enslavement of the human spirit by the great Beast of magic to torture the human victim. A pledge is often made for the recovery of the terminally ill at the expense of the great torment of the human victim;

c). Incantation. This is the burial of the spirit of a person under the great horrible death of magic for the perdition of the human victim. Spell is often made for the sake of quick enrichment of the customer at the expense of dying rich man-victim.

There are curses:

- ancestral from ancestors-relatives;

- from past lives-reincarnations of the human spirit;

- from this life from enemies and angry people;

- from the Other World, when the spirit of a person before leaving for conception-birth has angered the rulers of the Other World by disobedience.

Of course, all these curses and other negative influences should be removed by a White Magician - Write to me on WhatsApp