Customer feedback.
This page contains reviews from people who have been helped by Yuri Alexandrovich.
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My husband L. was always drinking and I naturally did not like it. I read an advertisement in the newspaper about a wonderful magician and healer Yuri Alexandrovich, there were many good reviews about him. I decided to go. I told him about my husband's drinking problem, showed his photo, told him that because of his drinking he had constant problems with his work. He looked at the photo and said that it was better to bring him in person, so there would be more guarantees and L. should not refuse treatment. It turned out that he had his own reasons for turning to the magician.
At the reception at the Magician he asked to have a career in the firm where he works. Yuri Alexandrovich removed alcoholic curse from my husband and conjured him for good luck.
Frankly speaking, we thought that everything will be as we dreamed.... Although Yuri Alexandrovich warned that everything may not turn out the way we think, but it will be better for us.
A month later my husband was fired, and he was left without a job, the search for another ended in failure.
I decided to do the same thing that he did in his firm, but only as a sole proprietorship. Engaged, began to get a little bit, realized his ideas and the business began to flourish little by little. Finally we were able to change our small apartment to a more decent place, bought me a car.
I believe that in all our well-being, we were helped by a real Magician and Wizard Yuri Alexandrovich. In case of any problems I will turn only to him.
Nadezhda S.V., Samara, Russia
I was forced to turn to the Healer, Yuri Alexandrovich, because of a serious problem - loneliness, complete and hopeless. Men turned away from me like a leper, although I considered myself very pretty. Once my friend, seeing my pitiful situation, gave the phone number of Yuri Alexandrovich and said that I should call him and make an appointment with him, as he has helped many people very well.
At the reception, he told me that I have curse to loneliness and curse to men did not see me. After the sessions of treatment I opened a whole new world for me. Men began to pay attention to me, to give me signs of attention. Unnoticeably it seems, I began to date.... I got married.... Now we are doing well, and I really hope that everything will continue to be so.
Yulia A. V., Togliatti city
I crawled, literally, clinging to the walls to see the healer Yuri Alexandrovich with complaints of poor health, weakness, insomnia, pain in the legs, lethargy. For two months I lost 30 kg, for someone it may be the limit of dreams, but for me it was a transformation from a blossoming woman into a walking skeleton. Yuri Alexandrovich explained to me that it was all because of curse to death. I naturally asked him to cure me and put me on my feet. On the same day, after the first session, my insomnia was completely gone and I finally had a good sleep. On the second and third sessions I already came all in better condition..... Put a strong protection, I feel this protection every day as an impenetrable barrier around me from any curse and evil eye.
Now I am again cheerful and energetic, as before. I am very grateful to Healer Yuri Alexandrovich, without him I might not be alive.
Natalia G.M.
SMS message:
Y.A. Thank you very much! What we talked about at the session, everything worked out. Finally I found a worthy man!
- Thank you very much to healer Yuri Alexandrovich for his kindness, attention and for his help to people in difficult life situations. He helped me in solving my family problems. Once again, a big thank you from me!
15.01. 2010г. Kostina R.V.
My problem is probably familiar to many women - my husband left to another woman, on all my requests to return, he completely ignored me, then stopped even picking up the phone. I decided to turn to Yuri Alexandrovich not at once - I thought I could manage myself..... At the session with Yuri Alexandrovich he told me that our family problems are not just an accident. The “kind people” helped me with curse “so that my husband could not see or hear me” and my husband was under a spell, I should treat it immediately. I felt the result at once, my husband called me first once, then again, his aggression towards me disappeared, relations began to improve. Now we are together again....
Milena S.M.
My son has finally got a job after treatment with you, he quit drinking after your coding. He met a decent girl, I hope he will get married soon, because you promised that everything will be fine for him.
Maria Nikolaevna Kazanskaya.
I came to the White Magician with problems of depression, longing and in general I did not see the meaning in this life. At diagnostics, when he began to read information from my biofield, I found out that a spell was made on me and was done repeatedly. Yuri Alexandrovich called the name of the person who did the spell..... After 4 sessions of removal of hexes by casting on wax and egg, my condition has radically changed, it became better, life was colored in different bright colors, as from a bag pulled out.....
Vladimir. Samara city.
I have known about the White Magician Yuri Alexandrovich for a long time, but I turned to him only now because of poor health, sudden outbursts of scandalousness and aggression, weakness and lethargy. Yuri Alexandrovich looked at me and said that I was pumping energy through the channel of bioenergovampirism, hence weakness, lethargy, poor health, deterioration of health. After a session of treatment at the White Magician, my health and well-being came back to normal. Aggression and scandalousness have passed. I feel full of energy and strength again.
... I was diagnosed with cancer. I did not have any signs of this terrible disease, only at the diagnostics doctors made this terrible diagnosis, started treatment, pills, chemo, surgery, inserted tubes. The condition began to deteriorate rapidly ... I felt that life and health from me leaks wide stream, became a lying cancer patient, even the ambulance stopped coming. My mom found the phone number of the healer Yuri Alexandrovich and made an appointment with him. According to my photo, he started my treatment ... He told my mom to bring me in person, she tried to explain that I was lying down and could not walk. The healer did not answer my mom anything, only appointed the next session in 5 days and again said that it is desirable to bring me personally..... After 3 days I started to feel a little better, I started to rise. At the time appointed by the healer I was really able to come to the session, my mom accompanied me and helped me. Session after session my health and well-being began to return to me. I started going to work again.... The tubes fell out, I was taken to the hospital. The surgeon at the hospital examined me, checked my tests and said that the healing process had begun and that I didn't need the tubes anymore. I don't even know how to express my heartfelt gratitude to the healer Yuri Alexandrovich and my mother....
Ludmila G. S. I was treated by the magician Yuri Alexandrovich January - March 2011.
I had a big quarrel with my sister, and three days later I started to get boils. I went to Yuri Alexandrovich. He said that it was my sister in the quarrel wished, and from this disease I have. To be honest, I did not believe him, because the quarrel was a single and we have always been with my sister in good relations. He removed the curse from me, cast on wax. Five days later I came back to the wax casting, and the boils were gone. I fully believed the healer when after the second wax casting my sister's boils came out, but mine went away completely. I also told my sister to go to Yuri Alexandrovich, we had already made up anyway.
Lina. May 2011.
When I turned to Yuri Alexandrovich, I did not regret it. I needed only one thing - to bring my husband back to me by any means.... I ordered a magician to make my husband come back to me. In a week I got what I wanted and even more, returning husband became very affectionate, gentle, caring. He was never jealous of me before, now he's jealous of everyone. He calls every 15 minutes where I am and what I do, how I feel, etc. Trying to be with me all the time, sometimes even annoying. I am satisfied with the work of the spell.
My daughter's health has been bad lately, she started to get sick. The doctors were vague, the tests were good, but my girl was feeling worse and worse. I made an appointment with Yuri Alexandrovich, brought a photo of my daughter. Y.A. said that there is a strong curse on her, close to artificial (specially made), it is necessary to remove the curse in 3 sessions. At the first session Y.A. during the casting on wax said that the curse was done through a witch doll and when they wrapped the doll with threads, they read conspiracies for curse. curse was done to my daughter so that she did not marry some guy, then this ball of thread with a doll inside was buried in the ground. Indeed, my daughter met with a kind of good guy from Ukraine, but after traveling home her boyfriend changed, his parents insisted that he thought more about his studies, not about marriage.... My daughter after treatment at Yu. A. recovered, her health became good. Thank you to the White Magician Yuri Alexandrovich.
Nina Sergeyevna. September 2011.
I made an appointment with the Magician because I had missed something in my family life. My wife started coming home gloomy, irritable, even on Saturday and Sunday she tried to leave me and the house somewhere. Quarrels and scandals literally out of nothing. Recently said that we need to separate and divorce. Packed her things and went to her parents. In conversations with me says that she, say, she has a longing and pulls her somewhere, but not to me. The magician did not say anything special, just looked and said that it is necessary to remove the curse, and then we'll see. When he cast my wife on wax on the photo, Yuri asked me to stand next to her, stretch my hand over the wax and say what I feel. When I stretched my palm over the wax, suddenly I felt a strong longing. Yuri Alexandrovich explained that this is a spell is removed through the photo and goes into the wax. My wife was bewitched and by removing the spell it is possible to correct our family life. What I felt through the wax she felt almost constantly .... The magician said that not only women turn for spells, but also men. I used to not particularly believe in all sorts of spells, curse and evil eye, but now I really felt on myself that it happens and is in fact.
Now everything seems to be normal, but I still have suspicions. My wife is back, she says she loves me, but she can't explain normally what happened to her.....
Nicholas. November 2011.
I ordered a hex of my husband to me from Yuri Alexandrovich through the Internet. I sent photos of me and my husband. After the hex ritual, 10 or 11 days passed. You can say that the spell began to work, but a little strange. My husband stopped going to his mistress, became, however, a little gloomy and literally every night wake up at 3 a.m. and panic voice asking me not to leave him (probably, it is something like payback for the spell, when you wake up at 3 a.m.) ... I came to the White Magician in person, just in case to add a spell. In the morning my husband started waking me up again with kisses.
(no names or identities). January 2012.
I have recently been to your sessions about the unfinished construction of my cafe and hotel. It was like everything was enchanted, there was no money, the property papers were not signed, the builders got drunk, the concrete mixer was stolen and there was no end to such troubles, everything was like a circle with repetitions for two whole years.
You treated me and cast on the wax. I felt better immediately literally on the second day, at least I started to do things. At the construction site, in the ground, buried your 5 towels, for a successful construction. They put magical protection on me.
Endless this construction, finally ended, I opened my hotel and cafe. The chef in the cafe found just wonderful, makes everything very tasty. The menu in my cafe varied, there is something to choose.... Come, you won't regret it!...
Rybakova N.S. March-April 2012.
You may remember me, I'm Marina, I came to you six months ago to look for a job. I couldn't find a job for a year and decided to turn to you. After two sessions you said that I should be able to do everything, you asked me what salary I would like to receive. I hope you remembered, although you have a lot of people coming to you, I think you will definitely remember me ... Three weeks after your treatment I received a very good offer to work in Moscow, the salary corresponded to my education and work experience and gave me the opportunity to live normally even in Moscow. I believe that it was you who helped me to have good luck in finding a job. Now I am doing well, I am saving up to buy an apartment in Moscow, and I hope to get a raise at work, and therefore a salary. A big thank you for your work Yuri Alexandrovich!
Yuri Alexandrovich you were able to cure my son Sasha from alcohol. Sasha finally got a job. Thank you very much! I bought all the icons that you advised me to put at home. I hope it will last for a long time.
Natalia Alexandrovna. September 2012.
The business started to have problems, no orders, no clients, naturally no money, and the workers started to flee for the bread-and-butter jobs. I promised people that everything was temporary and everything would soon be normal, as before, after a while I stopped believing in it myself. From despair I decided to go to witchdoctors. I accidentally stumbled upon the site of the White Magician Yuri Alexandrovich, called on phone +1 917 299 90 78, signed up. Healed 2 times 2 weeks, from the first time has already begun to help appeared orders. Hired new workers.
Recently had to turn to the magician Yuri again, but as it turned out I myself was guilty and the reason was in me, not magical. But still want to say a huge thank you to Yuri Alexandrovich for all his work and that pulled me out of my problems with his frame and casting wax.
Boris. September 2012.
I came to you recently. I asked you a question about who did curse to me, you said that it is not necessary to know and that I will find out everything myself. I wanted to tell you what happened after your session of treatment from curse, when I was coming from you, my friend called me and told me that my acquaintance is pouring dirt on me in front of everyone and for quite a long time. And really I remembered that after each visit of this acquaintance in our family at once someone got sick or had a misfortune. Now I have completely excluded communication with this lady. I do not understand why I did not notice it before, and my head was like a fog in her presence and after her.
Nina V.K.
The whole family came to you, Yuri Alexandrovich, for treatment for maxillary sinusitis. Everyone got infected with maxillary sinusitis from each other, constant purulent snot, cough, headaches... for three whole months. Already after the first session of the children immediately began to improve, all followed your recommendations, after the second session began to recover all. About antibiotics somehow all at once forgot, so did not finish the next course of antibiotics, put them in the medicine cabinet. It was cheaper to go to see a healer, i.e. to you of course, than to buy these pills and medicines.
Family of S. 2013 г.
I came to you for a spell on a guy I loved very much. When I showed you the photo, you told me all sorts of nasty things about him and asked me ten times if I wanted to be with him. Do you remember me? I told you clearly that I did and that I loved him very much. I thought that I could change him and we will live happily, we will have children that he will take care of and love. After your spell, everything got better, but before the baby was born. After the birth of the child all the nasty things you said about him directly came out of my husband and I realized late that he is a man. Is there any way to change my husband, to correct him, to keep the family, so that the child grew up in a normal full family?
Thank you for all the help you've given me. I was unemployed for 2 years, my son helped me at least a little. After curse removal and energy correction at your sessions, I finally got a normal job. If possible, I will come to you later to make me a career and increase in salary. My friend still wants to come to you for an appointment, she has family problems and money problems. I told her you could help, gave her your phone number and address.
Julia Saratova, 07.09.2015.
I was healed by Yuri Alexandrovich from insomnia for three sessions. It helped. Thank you!
I haven't slept for a year, I was treated with pills, drank sedatives, underwent physical procedures. All this did not help at all, on the basis of constant insomnia began psychological problems, nervousness, hysteria and others. My dad said that it is necessary to turn to the babka because of the fact that traditional medicine does not help and need a non-traditional approach to the problem. Acquaintances said that there is a healer Yuri Alexandrovich who can help, gave the phone number +1 917 299 90 78. At the preliminary reception White magician with the help of his frame said that I have several evil eye, which clung to my head and need to remove the evil eye, cast on wax. He treated me with conspired water. I started to sleep well after the first session, but by the end of the week insomnia returned, I stopped sleeping again. After the second session, insomnia receded for a long time. At the third session I was already feeling very well. My sleep is still good and I feel great. As I think a little more and I would have gone to Nagornaya (psychiatric hospital) if I had not turned to Yuri Alexandrovich for help.
Nikitina S. Ю.
The following page of reviews of folk healer Yuri Alexandrovich...